Saturday, October 24, 2009

Autumn Is Passing Away...

DIGITAL CAPTURE  October 21st, 2009 8:58am  Whiteside Mountain Cove, NC., f7.1 @  1/80th sec., (hand held) Nikkor 18-135mm lens. (no photoshop or artificial alterations)

Autumn is passing away. With the ending of all bright and glorious color, early morning hoarfrost (from orig 'horforst') begins to be the norm for the hardened ground. A precursor for the coming Winter season on the Plateau. The cold morning air brings a fresh clarity to all that is here. I can breathe deeply knowing the air is clean and purest here. And seeing becomes new again, as the transition from October to November begins. As the light of late Autumn becomes harsh by mid-morning, reflections of that light and color, and the natural shapes of earth in the waters always brings outstanding visual opportunities. 

I believe I (we) love Autumn most, not only because of the climactic colors that surrounds for a brief few weeks, and not simply for the cooler temps, fireplaces roaring, and hot beverages on very cold mornings. But I believe we sense the reality of our mortality more clearly as we witness the nature around us reaching a peak explosion of color, then suddenly dying away, from peak to bleak in a few short days. This transition period allows for me to reflect on just what it is my life and my work is all about. One can never evaluate enough what our lifetime is composed of, not only in terms of years, but in terms of spiritual content. Are we seeking only a temporary spotlight on ourselves, or are we seeking light and truth in the
short span of years we are given? It is the eternal and the temporary that struggle within and without us.

The great Old Testament patriarch, Moses, is credited with writing at least one psalm in the Book of Psalms (Psalm 90). Within his song is a verse that has stayed with me for a many years now:  "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."  Of all the things, accolades, skills, educational status, or financial gain we gather over our brief time here on earth, only wisdom will last, and that wisdom which we pass on as we leave. 

I love Autumn's breath, the intensity of life as reflected in the colors everywhere, the beauty that is nearing it's peak of natural expression, and the seasonal light that always comes. It reminds me that all things are going to eventually pass away, and all that we love in the here and now is all that we really have. Selah.